Elder Van Boerum

Elder Van Boerum

Monday, February 16, 2015

Hellooooooo Family and Friends!! And anyone else reading.

Hellloooo Family and Friends. And anyone else reading.
We had a pretty solid week overall for our work here in Naga. Super busy because we were trying to finalize transfer plans, and they changed about a hundred times, but we got to have 4 exchanges with other missionaries and they all went great and we got some good work done for the most part. Lots of successes, some disappointments, but overall a great week. Starting with Monday, we had some missionaries come in from the far zones because we had a training meeting to do the next day. So I got to work with one of the missionaries that we welcomed here about 5 months ago and it was crazy! Really awesome guy, Elder Salmon from Canada. It was fun to work with him, just super weird to think that I had been that new only a little while ago. We got to teach Elmer, who had been reading parts of the Book of Mormon and had questions about it and who Moroni was and everything. It was pretty cool.
That led us into Tuesday with the actual meeting. We had all the new missionaries and their trainers meet up to discuss how everything was going, how they were getting adjusted, and what we could do to help them. It was cool talking to them about their purpose and trying to remember what it was like to be so new. 
Wednesday was exchanges again and we had some pretty great lessons. Our day got thrown off a bit because my companion had to translate for some missionaries that were having interviews with President about disobedience stuff, but it all ended up ok.
Thursday...exchanges again. This time we had to go out and visit a district to check up on them and see how they are all doin. We were pretty impressed with the work they were doing, and we got to work with a few for a couple hours. Then we had to go pick up some missionaries for an emergency transfer (a result of Wednesday's interview thing) and come all the way back again.
Friday, exchanges with my former comp Elder Sonderegger. He's goin home in just a week's time, so it was awesome to catch up with him and work with him again. We got to visit some people he knew so he could say goodbyes. Cool experience.
The rest of the time we just went out and WORKED. The majority of our lessons always seemed to come back to the Book of Mormon this week, and how big of a blessing it is that we have it. Awesome time getting to testify of it. Everyone we teach is so confused. They belong to one church, but don't know if it's true because they read in the Bible that it should be different, or they wonder why all these churches are different and it's great to give them a book that will answer all of their questions. Time and time again we got to talk about the importance of them knowing for themselves and trusting in God that he's going to give them what they ask for, if they do it sincerely. The Book of Mormon gives them a clarity that they can't get any other way. If they read it.
Hope you all have a great week and take time to read the Book of Mormon more and thank God for it. Love you all, and have a great week!

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