Elder Van Boerum

Elder Van Boerum

Monday, January 5, 2015

Another Week that Just flew By

Hey Everyone!
Another week that just flew by! We ended up having three exchanges over the week which kind of killed us for work in our area, but it was all a great time.
On Tuesday we got to go to Naga for exchanges with the Assistants to the President, and that was super awesome getting to work with them. They are both way good teachers and just all around awesome. Only thing is, we had to sleep in an apartment that I guess has scorpions and stuff, which I didn't even know existed here. But it turned out ok because we didn't see any. We also taught some cool people.
Then we had to come all the way back out to our area for exchanges with one of our District leaders from New Zealand and his companion, on New Year's Eve. It was kind of a crazy day full of giant spiders and eagles and teaching some awesome lessons. We decided to check on some former investigators and it turns out they've been reading the Book of Mormon everyday for who knows how long and want to be taught again. Nice. Then contacted a referral that says she wants to be baptized after we told her about eternal families (her husband died 5 years ago). She was crying at the end, and says she's excited to be taught. Ended the day with just a bunch of ice cream and hangin out at the house because of the 6 p.m. curfew.
The next day we had to go out a different district for their district meeting. There was pretty much no vehicles running to take us anywhere because of the number of people with hangovers. But we finally caught one, made it to the area, and then stood in the rain for about an hour waiting for a key to the church. Nice meeting though and a free lunch from some members out there. We tried finding a less active member, walked into his house and saw some guy. He said "Oh you're looking for Freddy? That's my brother." Then he just left. Some old lady just sitting in the corner then started cracking up saying "No that was really Freddy, my son!" So I don't think Freddy wants to talk with us.
Well after a couple days of work, Sunday finally came. Full of miracles. Our attendance went waaaaay up, and we had a whole investigator family come, that now is saying they want to be baptized. So not a bad day I think. But we'll see how that goes. Anything could happen I guess. Just pray for them haha.
Well that was a quick version of my week! Hope you're all doin great and had a good new year!

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