Elder Van Boerum

Elder Van Boerum

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Preparing for Holy Week

Hey everyone I ran out of time! Again! Sorry about that. Not a whole lot to report on this week anyway, work was kind of slow. But I'm still doing great and love being out here! Had a few really frustrating days, but it really helped me change my view and increase my faith so it may have turned out for the better! We all have our hardships for a reason and we can always come out stronger (D&C 122).

As for things here, they've already started preparing for Holy Week, Easter. They've started setting up little bamboo crosses all around the streets in my area and I know if the preparation is already starting now, it's going to be a crazy celebration. Some places the celebration is pretty mild, but in others (I'm thinking my area) they go so far as to crucify a couple volunteers to help them repent and if you don't do that, you can just whip yourself. Basically things are going to start to get crazy soon, but don't worry I'll stay safe!
Love you all and hope you are all doing great as well!
Elder Van Boerum


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